Ingressantes 2025

Research Groups and Project List

UENP’s Study Group in Neuroscience (GEN)


Study Group in Motor Performance, Sports and Health (GEDMES)


Study and Research Group in Philosophy, Education and Society. (GEPFES)


Research Group in Mathematics and Science Education (GPMEC)


Research Group in History, Society and Education in Brazil - GT HISTEDBR


Research Group in Education (GEPEDUC)


Research Group in History Teaching (GPEH)


Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Applications (L@pis)


Laboratory of Teaching and Research in Education for Science


Research Center in the History of Religions (NPHR)


Professional Master’s Degree In Basic Education

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The Graduate Program in Education from the State University of Northern Paraná (PPEd/UENP) was granted authorization to start its Professional Master’s Degree in Basic Education from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education in Brazil (CAPES) in November 2018.

Structured under one area of concentration– “Basic Education” – and two lines of research – “Basic Education: Management and Planning” and “Teaching Practices for Basic Education”, the program’s main concern is teacher-researcher education, based on an in-depth and critical understanding of school reality from the local reality in conjunction with the regional, national, and international ones. This will allow the program’s alumni to take transformative action in their work at different levels and modalities in Basic Education

The systematized thinking on Basic Education guides the Master’s Student work and interdisciplinary education, both by encompassing historical and philosophical aspects of education as well as educational practices and educational policies and management.


Prof. Flávio Massami Martins Ruckstadter – coordenador

Prof. Antonio Carlos de Souza – vice-coordenador

Profa. Dra. Vanessa Campos Mariano Ruckstadter – representante docente

Profa. Dra. Marisa Noda – representante docente 

Juliana Carolina de Andrade Krone - representante discente


Curricular Structure

Synthetic scheme: offers and requirements

Throughout 24 months, the master’s students in the program must fulfill at least 30 credits: 24 credits in courses (16 mandatory, 8 electives) and 6 credits in preparation and public defense of the dissertation and educational product.

By the beginning of the 4th semester, Master’s students will have taken the qualifying exam, completed the credits in courses, and taken the proficiency exam in a modern foreign language.

Every Master’s student of the Program must attend the courses Research in Education for Basic Education (4 credits) and Educational Products Workshops I and II (4 credits each). In addition to these, there are mandatory courses per Line of Research: in Line 1, Magament, Planning and Evaluation Politics of Basic Education (4 credits); in Line 2, Pedagogical Theories and Teaching Action in Basic Education (4 credits).

The Master’s students must attend two more electives of 4 credits each, which must allow the deepening of the two Lines of Research of The Program themes and problems, aiming at a specific training articulated to research and interventions in Basic Education to be developed by the Master’s student.

The program organizes the offer of courses on three days of the week, in a way to enable the largest possible number of candidates to carry out the Professional Master’s Degree and the research derived from it. In this regard, Master’s students are required, at least, to be fully available on Thursday evenings, Friday, and Saturday, for class activities, and research development, and mentoring.


Curriculum Structure: course descriptions

1. Research in Education for Basic Education (mandatory - 4 credits)

Description: Studies on the different theories and methodological conceptions and their relation with the research in Education for Basic Education. The different types of research in Education. Research techniques on Education.


2. Pedagogical Theories and teaching action in Basic Education (mandatory in Line 2 - 4 credits)

Description: Study of pedagogical theories in its relation with socially produced knowledge on teaching, considering knowledge and practices based on pedagogical, psychological and epistemological aspects in the organization of Brazilian schools. Theories and pedagogical practices in Brazilian Basic Education. Teaching committed to public school needs.


3. Management, Planning and Evaluation Politics of Basic Education (mandatory in Line 1 - 4 credits)

Description: Identification and analysis of national and international tendencies that guide policies of management, planning and evaluation of the educational system.


4. Educational Products Workshops I (mandatory - 4 credits)

Description: Interdisciplinary space for discussions about applied research in Basic Education. Elaboration of interventionist projects and educational products in Basic Education.


5. Educational Products Workshops II (mandatory - 4 credits)

Description: Interdisciplinary space for debate on the applied research on Basic Education. Elaboration of intervention and educational products in Basic Education.


6. Educational politics and teacher instruction in Brazil (elective - 4 credits)

Description: State reformation and Educational Policies from the 20th century and its unfoldings on the 21st century. Curricular policies and teacher education. Trends in the field of teacher education in Brazil.


7. Political Foundations of Basic Education (elective - 4 credits)

Description: Research on the political foundations and their impacts on the elaboration and implementation of educational policies of Basic Education, beyond the legal frameworks that constitute them.


8. School culture and Basic Education (elective - 4 credits)

Description: Studies about the school and its reality - content, behavior and social norms. Research on the foundations of the modern schooling process, the dispute around schoolable knowledge and the proposals for disciplinarization and education of the senses.


9. Interdisciplinary teaching action in Basic Education: theoretical and methodological foundations (elective - 4 credits)

Description Concepts of interdisciplinarity. Contributions of interdisciplinarity in Science and Education. Interdisciplinary education for teaching. The school as an interdisciplinary space.


10. Evaluation of teaching and learning processes in Basic Education (elective - 4 credits)

Description: Theoretical perspectives in teaching and learning evaluation. Types, criteria and evaluation tools.


11. Historical aspects of schooling in Brazil (elective - 4 credits)

Description: Historical aspects of the schooling process in Brazil.The constitution of the national education system. Historical path of the social projects and their relation with basic education organization and democratization.


12. Special topics I: Management and Planning of Basic Education (elective - 4 credits)

Description: Studies of Education themes with the objective of deepening discussions on Basic Education Line of Research: Management and Planning.


13. Special topics II: Teaching practices for Basic Education (elective - 4 credits)

Description: Studies of Education themes with the objective of deepening discussions of the Teaching Practices for Basic Education Line of Research.




Graduate Program in Education (PPEd)

Professional Master’s Degree in Basic Education

Adress: Padre Mello St., 1200. Jd. Marimar, Jacarezinho – PR, CEP: 86400-000.

Phone: +55 (43) 3511-4314



Office Hours: Mondays to Fridays from 08:00h-12:00 / 13:00-17:00h


Additional information:

FanPage PPEd


Area of Concentration and Lines of Research

Area of Concentration: Basic Education

The State University of Northern Paraná Graduate Program in Education (PPEd/UENP) defines “Basic Education” as its area of concentration.

Pursuant to articles 21 and 22 of the Brazilian Guidelines and Education Law (LDBEN, Law no. 9394/96), Basic Education is one of the degrees of Brazilian school education, composed by Preschool Education, Elementary Education and Secondary Education, which has as its purpose the student’s development and preparation, based on a common instruction, for the exercise of citizenship and the progression in the professional area and further studies..

In the Brazilian educational context of the early 21st century, Basic Education constitutes a promising field for scientific investigation and professional practice since, on the one hand, access to this degree of education has been practically universalized, on the other hand, one of the bigger challenges is improving its quality.

Thus, it is from the Area of Concentration Area that can be established the focus of study, research, and construction of intervention proposals to be developed by the Program, in its two lines of research Lines.

It is Basic Education that constitutes the starting and arrival points of the actions and investigations to be developed by the Program.


Lines of Research