Ingressantes 2025

The program presents two lines of research:


1) Sustainable Agricultural Production


            Sustainable agricultural production systems represent the guarantee of meeting the needs of the current population, maintaining environmental quality and preserving natural resources. This line of research aims to evaluate the aspects of agricultural and animal production, establish the best interaction between these activities, and increase the productivity considering the aspects of the environmental, social and economic sustainable. It seeks to use the natural elements with the proviso that agricultural activities are carried out according to the potential of each area, conserving the productive potential of these natural elements, especially soil and water. This research line aims to establish the agricultural potential of the field, allow the sustainable planning of its use, diagnosis the degradation processes, and propose mechanisms to recover these degraded areas.


2) Phytosanitary


This line of research aims to develop research that promotes establishing quality and efficiency standards for the control of pests and plant diseases. The objective is to make use of the agrochemicals in an optimized way, reducing losses during the applications and consequently favoring socio-economic and environmental sustainability.