Ingressantes 2025


Before showing the historic and the contextualization of the Program, it is necessary to summarily present the context of the Social Applied Science Center of Jacarezinho Campus, place where the program is based.

The Law College of Northern Paraná was founded by the Government State of Paraná in July 18 th of 1967 and with the edition of the State Law nº 15.300, of September 28 th 2006, started to integrate the UENP – State University of Northern Paraná, when passed to receive the denomination of Social Applied Science Center of Jacarezinho Campus.

The Law College of Northern Paraná consolidated itself as a landmark on the formation and improvement of students and professionals, not only from Jacarezinho, but from a vast area of the north of the Paraná State and the south of the São Paulo State, although it is sought for students from all over the country, been considerated for two decades one of the 10 best Law Schools in Brazil.

In 2000, has initiated the Post-graduation in Juridical Science Program, been renowned by the Education Ministry in August 2003.

The Program elects only one concentration area: Theories of Justice: Justice and Exclusion and has by meaning the formation of the researcher, as well as the preparation of professionals for public teaching, through the scientific theoretical deepening in specific questions of the area.

Important agreements were settled, which resulted in partnerships on the realization of events, text publications, and the exchange of students and teachers with: University of Coimbra, University of Lisboa, University of Murcia, University of Barcelona, among others. Articulating better the research with extension actions, the Program, whose concentration area and the research lines are related with the discussion of justice and exclusion, is able to positively interfere in the context it is inserted.