Ingressantes 2025

The Post-graduation in Juridical Science Program of the State University of Northern Paraná (PPGD-UENP), has by goals to qualify human resources, through teachers, researchers and law professionals formation, that are able to understand the complexity of the juridical phenomenon, and to promote a serious reflection about the problems that involve the themes of justice and exclusion, that result in new pragmatics and in an inclusive juridical dogmatics.

Thus, it is sought that the interdisciplinary research enables a diatopic comprehension of the contemporary law, that faces in an appropriate way the challenges of a society each time more complex and less inclusive.

The specific goals of the program are, among others:

I – Encourage the reflection that opportunize the critical capacity of perceiving the fails and distortions of the justice activation mechanisms, and its correspondents formal apparatus, as a mean to conceive and introduce criterias that reduce dogmatic rigidity, always based on the supremacy of the principle of human dignity;

II - Develop the critical capacity to think about changes, stimulating the creative capacity of the student, as part of the role of building a progressively better and more just society, as described in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988, a free, just and solidary society;

III - Promote critical reflection on the causes that provoke the social inclusions and exclusions, in the current fundamental structure of law.