Ingressantes 2025

Syllabus and basic references for the Master's degree in Human Movement Sciences


Name: Research Methodology Applied to the Biodynamics of Human Movement

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: YES

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Scientific research methodology emphasizing the main study designs in Biodynamics of Human Movement. Planning and discussion of epistemological, methodological and technical methods present in research in Biodynamics of Human Movement. The concept of evidence-based practice. Drafting research questions and searching the main databases. Science, technology and innovation in clinical research. Ethics in scientific research. Critical evaluation of the literature. Research projects preparation and presentation.


Name: Socio-philosophical and epistemological foundations of Human Movement Sciences

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: YES

Credits: 2

Workload: 30

The evolution of scientific thought and contemporary science. Science and ethics. Study of current social, cultural and economic conditions and their contributions/limitations to the construction of knowledge in Human Movement Sciences. Human Movement in the context of contemporary society and its relationship with other spheres of knowledge.


Name: Didactics in Higher Education

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: YES

Credits: 2

Workload: 30

The concept of didactics and its context within higher education. Teaching innovation and technologies. The teaching-learning process and teacher-student relationships. Teaching plans and lesson plans in higher education. Ethics in teacher education. Active methodologies as a teaching-learning resource in higher education. Knowledge assessment in higher education.


Name: Biostatistics

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: YES

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Taxonomy of statistical methods. Definition of variables. Descriptive analysis. Central tendency, dispersion and variability measures. Parametric and non-parametric distribution of data. Analytical analysis. Parametric and non-parametric tests. Binary and multinomial logistic regression. Analysis of variances with factors, multivariances and repeated measures. Treatment effect calculation. Intention-to-treat analysis. Concordance analysis. Diagnostic tests. Sample size calculation. Tabular and graphic presentation. Analysis and interpretation of research results in Human Movement Sciences.


Name: Topics for the preparation of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 3

Workload: 45

Descriptors, PICO strategy (participants, intervention, control or comparison and outcomes) and Boolean operators in the main databases. Assessment of the methodological quality of different study designs. Meta-analysis calculations for different study types (observational, diagnostic and randomized clinical trials). Analysis and interpretation of systematic review results and meta-analysis studies in Human Movement Sciences. Critical analysis of the methodological quality of systematic reviews.


Name: Special Topics in Human Movement Biodynamics

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 2

Workload: 30

Study of current and relevant themes in Biodynamics of Human Movement, with an emphasis on innovation and technology.


Name: Epidemiology of physical activity and public health

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Study of epidemiology concepts, methods and techniques applied to Human Movement Sciences. Health indicators, frequency measures, rates and measures of association in epidemiology. Types of studies in physical activity epidemiology. Epidemiological profile of physical activity and sedentary behavior in Brazil, as well as worldwide. Measures of physical activity and their relationship to health indicators. Possibilities for innovation in research into the epidemiology of physical activity and public health.


Name: Physical fitness in the prevention of morbidity and mortality

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Study of the dimensions and components of physical fitness, as well as its relation to health. Biological and epidemiological bases of physical fitness and the main chronic degenerative diseases. The relationship between physical fitness and reductions in morbidity and mortality risks, from various types of chronic non-transmissible diseases. Strategies for improving physical fitness, relating to health, in different age groups.


Name: Protective and damaging behaviors regarding health

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Characterization of protective behaviors and health risks: physical activity, diet, substance use, sleep, violence and confrontation, sexual activity, interpersonal relationships and stress. Traditional instruments for measuring behaviors, protective and damaging to one’s health. Innovation and technologies in monitoring health risks and protective behaviors. Prevalences in young and adult populations. Associated factors. Aggregation of damaging behaviors at young ages and future repercussions. Psychological theories for intervention via programs aimed at encouraging protective behaviors and controlling damaging behaviors.


Name: Pathophysiology of chronic diseases

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Study of physiological changes and the main causal factors of chronic diseases. Associations between lifestyle, physical activity and strategies in individual and collective preventive/curative spheres. New technologies for the management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases.


Name: Changes in the neuro-musculoskeletal system related to chronic pain

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Definition and classification of chronic pain. Advanced topics related to adaptations in the neuro-musculoskeletal system in individuals suffering from chronic pains. Multiprofessional approach, health education and neuroscience related to the prevention and treatment of chronic pain. Innovation and technology in the treatment of chronic pain.


Name: Measuring instruments used in evaluating human performance

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Study of psychometric properties, methods and assessment techniques, employing measurement instruments, applied to human performance. Innovation and technologies in the development of measurement instruments. Methods to determine the validity and reliability of new assessment instruments, applied to human performance.


Name: Physical-functional and psychophysiological aspects of ageing

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Study of physiological, social, emotional, physical and cognitive changes related to ageing. Physical-functional and psychophysiological assessment protocols in gerontology and geriatrics. New technologies for the prevention of falls. Prescription of physical exercise in older individuals. Study of physical-functional and psychological responses to exercise in older people.


Name: Special topics in muscular strength training

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Methodological variables in the prescription and guidance of muscle strength training in its various manifestations: hypertrophy, strength, endurance and muscle power. Innovation and technologies for prescribing and monitoring muscle strength training.


Name: Psychophysiological aspects associated to human performance

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Análise crítica da interação entre as respostas psicológicas e alterações fisiológicas desencadeadas no exercício físico. Fatores psicológicos que atuam como determinantes do desempenho físico e comportamental sobre a prática do exercício físico (prazer/desprazer, auto eficácia, foco de atenção e intenção em repetir a atividade no futuro). Respostas fisiológicas produzidas pelo exercício físico capazes de interferir nos processos psicológicos (frequência cardíaca, consumo máximo de oxigênio, limiar anaeróbio, percepção de esforço e sensação de dor).

Critical analysis of the interaction between psychological responses and physiological changes triggered by physical exercise. Psychological factors that act as determinants of physical and behavioral performance in physical exercise (pleasure/displeasure, self-efficacy, focus and intention to continue activities in the future). Physiological responses, produced by physical exercise, capable of interfering with psychological processes (heart rate, maximum oxygen consumption, anaerobic threshold, perception of effort and sensation of pain).


Name: Metabolic and functional aspects associated with human performance

Grade: Master's degree

Mandatory: NO

Credits: 4

Workload: 60

Advanced physiological studies on the effects of human movement on metabolic, functional, molecular and neuromotor aspects in the context of human performance. Physical exercise and its functional effects on human performance in different populations.